GameStar 2004 April
BSP View
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139 lines
// BSP view configuration file
// BSP_tools by botman (http://planethalflife.com/botman)
// lines beginning with double slash characters are comment lines
// for enable/disable options, use 1 to enable, use 0 to disable
// set width, height, bits per pixel, refresh rate and full screen enable/disable
$width 640
$height 480
$bpp 16
$hertz 60
$enable_fullscreen 0
// set the position of the upper left corner of the display (both -1 means centered)
$x_pos -1
$y_pos -1
$enable_textures 1 // enable or disable textures (0 = no textures)
$enable_lighting 1 // enable or disable lighting (0 = no lightmaps)
$brightness 0.7 // values are from 0.0 to 1.0
$gamma_adjust 1.0 // values are from 0.5 to 2.0
$movement_speed 2 // values are from 1 to 5
$mouse_sensitivity 0.15 // values are from 0.0 to 1.0
// enable/disable inverting mouse Y axis
$enable_inverted_mouse 0
// enable/disable clipping through walls
$enable_noclip 0
// render special textures ("clip", "origin" and "aaatrigger")
$render_special_textures 1
$special_texture_transparency 80 // values are from 0 to 255
// render map entities
$render_entities 1
// render models
$render_models 0
// render sky
$render_sky 1
// show the edges of the textures (shows splitting during map compile)
// 0 = off, 1 = on, faster/less visible lines, 2 = on, slower/more visible
$show_edges 0
// show scene info (0 = no)
$show_info 1
// show scene crosshair (0 = no)
$show_crosshair 0
// Half-Life directory
$halflife_dir C:\SIERRA\Half-Life
// the BSP filename to load (comment this out for the Windows OpenFile dialog)
//$bspfile stalkyard.bsp
//$bspfile boot_camp.bsp
//$bspfile subtransit.bsp
//$bspfile crossfire.bsp
//$bspfile undertow.bsp
//$bspfile bounce.bsp
//$bspfile rapidcore.bsp
//$bspfile 2fort.bsp
//$bspfile vertigo.bsp
//$bspfile cs_assault.bsp
//$bspfile de_train.bsp
//$bspfile c1a0.bsp
//$bspfile op4_outpost.bsp
//$bspfile push.bsp
//$bspfile de_vertigo.bsp
//$bspfile de_aztec.bsp
// specify the name of the spawn point entity (only uncomment one of these)
//$spawnpoint info_player_start // Single player spawn point
$spawnpoint info_player_deathmatch // Half-Life deathmatch spawn point
//$spawnpoint info_player_teamspawn // Team Fortress Classic spawn point
//$spawnpoint info_player_deathmatch // Counter-Strike Terrorist spawn point
//$spawnpoint info_player_start // Counter-Strike Counter-Terrorist spawn point
// define the models used when items are spawned into the level
$models {
ammo_357 models/w_357ammobox.mdl
ammo_9mmAR models/w_9mmARclip.mdl
ammo_9mmbox models/w_chainammo.mdl
ammo_9mmclip models/w_9mmclip.mdl
ammo_ARgrenades models/w_ARgrenade.mdl
ammo_buckshot models/w_shotbox.mdl
ammo_crossbow models/w_crossbow_clip.mdl
ammo_egonclip models/w_gaussammo.mdl
ammo_gaussclip models/w_gaussammo.mdl
ammo_glockclip models/w_9mmclip.mdl
ammo_mp5clip models/w_9mmARclip.mdl
ammo_mp5grenades models/w_ARgrenade.mdl
ammo_rpgclip models/w_rpgammo.mdl
// displaying the info_player entities REALLY SLOWS THINGS DOWN!!!
// you may want to comment these out (using // at the beginning of the line).
info_player_deathmatch models/player/gina/gina.mdl // for Half-Life deathmatch
info_player_start models/player/gordon/gordon.mdl // for Half-Life single player
item_battery models/w_battery.mdl
item_healthkit models/w_medkit.mdl
item_longjump models/w_longjump.mdl
item_security models/w_security.mdl
item_suit models/w_suit.mdl
weapon_357 models/w_357.mdl
weapon_9mmAR models/w_9mmar.mdl
weapon_9mmhandgun models/w_9mmhandgun.mdl
weapon_crossbow models/w_crossbow.mdl
weapon_crowbar models/w_crowbar.mdl
weapon_egon models/w_egon.mdl
weapon_gauss models/w_gauss.mdl
weapon_glock models/w_9mmhandgun.mdl
weapon_handgrenade models/w_grenade.mdl
weapon_hornetgun models/w_hgun.mdl
weapon_mp5 models/w_9mmAR.mdl
weapon_python models/w_357.mdl
weapon_rpg models/w_rpg.mdl
weapon_satchel models/w_satchel.mdl
weapon_shotgun models/w_shotgun.mdl
weapon_snark models/w_sqknest.mdl
// the tripmine uses one of the bodies in the view model!!! :(
//weapon_tripmine models/v_tripmine.mdl
weapon_tripmine models/w_flare.mdl // cheat and use a flare for a tripmine! :)
item_armor1 models/r_armor.mdl // some stuff for TFC
item_armor2 models/r_armor.mdl
item_armor3 models/r_armor.mdl
monster_miniturret models/turret.mdl
hostage_entity models/hostage.mdl // for Counter-Strike